Working From Home: AKA, How to Keep Your Cat out of your Zoom Meeting

Ahhh, working from home.  It sounds so dreamy, and it’s portrayed on TV as the most easily executable task there ever was.  Picture it:  the kids are off to school.  The kitchen is sparkling clean from the previous night’s family dinner, where afterwards you enjoyed a nice card game as a family. Your house is clean, smells like freshly baked cookies while you sit in your favorite comfortable chair, sipping coffee out of a nice mug that has a sentiment on it like “Mom of the Year” or “Best Dad Ever”.  What a dream, right?

Except… that is not how it worked out for ANY of us in real life.  Suddenly, we were in the middle of a pandemic.  We began prepping at Partners, just “in case” we were suddenly working from home.  Technology was checked for all employees to determine what tasks each staff member would still be able to perform with their current remote setups at home.   Lists were made of things we would need to have with us, in order to keep a smooth flow going for all Partners’ clients.

Fast forward to the second week of March 2020 – the schools in our county go on Spring Break, never to have another day of school for the 2020 school year.  We are suddenly in quarantine, and all of our “just in case” plans are now “make it happen” plans, and we are all working from home.   We all agreed: working from home is just not as glamorous as it looks on TV.

Staff meetings and client team meetings are now happening via Zoom.  Half of us have sound, no video.  The other half of us have video and no sound.  We are all looking like something the cat drug in with un-brushed hair, trying to help each other with our tech struggles over the phone.  The good news?  We all worked through it together.  In addition, we are all now Zoom experts serving the company well, as we are still not traveling currently for company or client events.

I feel comfortable sharing some of the most important takeaways I gained from our journey:

  • Stay on your routine. Set your alarms, and “go to work” like it is any other day.  Not doing this will ensure complete chaos.  Trust me on this one.
  • Schedule breaks to execute your tasks that are NOT work related. If you jump up 30 times a day to do “just that one thing”, you will lose your train of thought every single time.
  • Stay connected to your coworkers – even a simple text or phone call will remind you that you are all a team.
  • Remember the physical background of your home office and execute Zoom meetings without your cat in the room!

We have been so fortunate here at Partners to have amazing management who have guided us through this pandemic with astounding patience.  We may still be in a strange spot, but we are certainly all prepared for the future.

Ricki Romig



By Kristi Spargo, CAE

Like gazillions of others around the globe, as of late I have spent some (aka way too much) time binge-watching TV. I subscribe to a variety of streaming services and recently selected a potential new addiction. After the first somewhat engaging episode, the little black box popped up in the corner and informed me, ‘120 seconds until the next episode’ and even included a clock politely counting down.  I said aloud with disgust to no one else in the room, “Are you serious right now?” Continue reading “Seriously?”

Strategic Thinking During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Rachel Luoma, MS, CAE

Back in January when I decided to write this blog, my intended topic was staff training and on-boarding.  Given the current climate with COVID-19, however, and the fact that many organizations had to furlough or lay people off, the topic just doesn’t feel relevant.

We are experiencing unprecedented times right now and need to help our associations navigate these challenges.  As association professionals, we have to think differently and act quickly. Given these changes, I want to instead write about strategic planning and thinking in times of a crisis.

Continue reading “Strategic Thinking During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Peeling Back the Layers of Successful Sponsorships

By Kim Barclay

Why should your company consider any sponsorship?  There are more reasons than you think.  Everyone knows that sponsorships give you brand visibility.  Whether it be at an in-person event or an on-line presence, being a sponsor will get your company seen.  But it’s much deeper than that.  A sponsorship should be seen as an investment.  Yes, one expects return on that investment and to get the most bang for the buck, but most times there is not an immediate, tangible ROI.  Sponsorships need to be thought of as a foundation to build on.  Building relationships with organizations and individuals in your target market.  Being a sponsor can give you credibility, and a positive reputation and perception from your audience. Continue reading “Peeling Back the Layers of Successful Sponsorships”

Discovering Intrinsic Values in New Places

By: Elizabeth Kelsay

I come from a pretty different background than most of our colleagues at Partners. For the last 10 years, I have been working in the arts as a singer at various opera houses around the US and Europe. Like many of my colleagues in the arts, I have often felt the need to explain why and measure how the arts have value. Continue reading “Discovering Intrinsic Values in New Places”

South Atlantic JUBILEE – Bringing New Ideas to the Convention and Tradeshow


By: Kim Barclay

You’re Having WHAT at the Conference?

The South Atlantic JUBILEE is a convention and tradeshow that started in 1955 in Carolina Beach, South Carolina and they joined Partners as a new client in 2012.  Attendees are comprised of many family owned businesses in the water well industry and have a long history of attending this event.  Exhibitors and sponsors are the companies that provide heavy equipment, products and services to the industry.  Continue reading “South Atlantic JUBILEE – Bringing New Ideas to the Convention and Tradeshow”